American Journey: The Americah Revolution [Электронный ресурс] / Primary Source Media; Aceto K., Coulter A. Hatkin E. etc. - Woodbridge, CT : Primary Source Media, cop. 1996. - 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM). : il. + 2 прил. (62p., 12 p.). - (History in Your Hands). - Систем. требования: Windows: IBM 486 compatible or better, 8 Mb of RAM, Windows 3.1 or higher, 3 Mb of free hard disk space, VGA monitor with 640*480 resolution and 256 colors, QuickTime for Windows 2.0, double speed CD-ROM drive, mouse; Macintosh: 68040/25 MHz or higher, 5 Mb of free RAM, System 7.0 or higher, 3 Mb of free hard disk space, color monitor (640*480*256 colors), QuickTime 2.0, double speed CD-ROM drive, Sound Manager 3.0. - Библиогр. см. в прил.: p.VII-IX. - ISBN 0-89235-163-2 : 800.00.